Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Unit 5 Watching for details: Mike and Elaine 'I'm Sorry' Video

Watch this video. It is in this test again. What happens in this story?

Put a number (1-10) by each sentence to show the order

(順番)that the events happen. ADD a zero to the number if

what is written is not exactly correct. Two of them are done for you

(the 1st event and the 4th one.) For example, 40 means that the item is the 4th event, but a zero (0) is added

because it does not match was said or what happened exactly. (Jim said 5:30 not 4 o'clock.)

HINT: There are mistakes in some of sentences.

So don't forget to ADD a ZERO (0) if the written sentence does not

exactly match what happened.

_____ (1) When Mike opens Jim's door, the wind blows papers off the desk.

_____ (2) At that moment, they discover that they have the same problem.

_____ (3) Jim is very busy, so he tells Mike to come back at 4:00.

(HINT: This is the 4th one, but it's not exactly correct (時間が間違えている)

         TYPE 4と0 --------------------------------------------------------->     40

_____ (4) When Mike leaves his office, he has trouble because he drops and knocks things down.

    (This is the FIRST thing,so TYPE 1 in the box) -------------------------------->   1

_____ (5) Then we see Elaine come into the lounge on a break. She trips on the doorway.

_____ (6) Elaine must be clumsy too because she spills coffee when she checks her watch.

_____ (7) Mike ends up unplugging Jim's PC when he tries to help him clean up the mess he caused.

_____ (8) Mike asks Elaine to answer his survey about computers in the workplace.

_____ (9) When Mike enters, he asks Elaine the time

because his watch has stopped.

_____ (10) Mike wants to know the woman's name and they introduce themselves.

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